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As a manufacturer you want to place your products optimally and sales-promoting in the specialized trade with up-to-date and comprehensive information?
Then OXOMI is just the right thing for you.
Increase the reach and availability – and thus the visibility – of your marketing information in the wholesale and trade sectors.

Your marketing material is directly available to your wholesalers in the OXOMI portal – quickly, easily and across all devices.

An excerpt of our customers

The OXOMI principle
Increase your reach through partnerships
With OXOMI, you as a manufacturer can make marketing information (catalogs, videos, item data) available to wholesalers in the best quality you have to offer. You determine which wholesalers may use your marketing materials and which may not. The basis for this is the partnership, which must be requested by the wholesaler beforehand. Control over the content lies entirely with the manufacturer – in other words, with you.

Software-as-a-Service. Made in Germany.
OXOMI is an internet based service. All you need for OXOMI is a browser and an internet connection. We take care of all the technology. The OXOMI servers are located in German data centers in the Leverkusen area with a German operator and are therefore fully subject to German law.
Permanently free basic usage
The basic service plan with five partnerships is permanently free of charge for you as a manufacturer and is an ideal introduction to OXOMI. The scope of services can be expanded any time at low cost.

Availability of your marketing information to wholesalers

Wholesale availability of your marketing information
In addition to reach, there is another important aspect to marketing materials: availability. With classic distribution channels such as print or email, availability is not guaranteed. As a brand manufacturer, the question arises: Do retail employees have our documents, videos and item data ready to hand the moment the customer asks for information? Simply making them available (on the website or by sending them) is simply no longer sufficient.
OXOMI is a step ahead here – the decisive advantage is partnerships. Content that you publish via your account goes directly to your wholesale partners and from there on to their customers – complete and up to date. What you post in OXOMI is available – without ifs and buts.
Der Hersteller unterstützt uns so auf eine angenehm einfache Weise dabei, seine Produkte direkt am Point of Sale optimal zu präsentieren – ein geniales System!"
Ottenbruch GmbH & Co KG

The multi-channel solution - one account for everything

The multi-channel solution - one account for everything
OXOMI is the central platform for your marketing information. Everything is stored here and all channels are played from there. Whether your own homepage, the intranet, the iPads of the sales force or the Facebook page – all content comes from OXOMI. Through partnerships, you can increase your reach and also bring the branding information into the wholesalers‘ systems. Starting from the merchandise management system to the online store, to the public website and the iPads of the wholesale field staff. All with a single account.

Where can you use OXOMI?
Website integration
The content of your OXOMI portal, integrated on your website. Catalogs, product images and videos - directly integrated and dynamically updated.
Field service information
OXOMI Pocket is the ideal complement to your portal. Your field staff can synchronize documents and videos from your portal offline into the app on their iPad and are thus guaranteed to have all information at hand during the customer appointment.
A dedicated portal is already included in the OXOMI plus package. OXOMI Pocket is an optional add-on product that is licensed per device.
A few functions:
Field service information
OXOMI Pocket is the ideal complement to your portal. Your field staff can synchronize documents and videos from your portal into the app on their iPad offline available and are thus guaranteed to have all information at hand during the customer appointment.
A dedicated portal is already included in the OXOMI plus service plan. OXOMI Pocket is an optional add-on product that is licensed per device.
A few functions:
As a manufacturer, you would like to place your products with current and comprehensive
information optimally and sales-promoting in the wholesale?
Then OXOMI is just the right thing for you.