
OXOMI plus



per month
  • 50 partnerships
  • Upload 500 documents
  • Upload 15 videos
  • Upload 5 gallery images
  • Upload 5,000 items
    (Upload images, files and long texts for your items)
  • Support via MEMOIO messenger
  • Mobile usage
  • 1 portal

Present product information perfectly with your own portal.

With the plus service plan, in addition to more partnerships than in the basic plan, you also receive your own portal – and thus the possibility to use OXOMI content yourself. Regardless of whether you as a manufacturer present your own documents there or as a wholesaler also those of your partners, portals have a variety of uses:

Use your portal as an information base for your employees – online and always up-to-date. Thanks to the search function and the OXOMI paperclip, you can immediately find what you need and quickly compile and send information.

With the iPad app OXOMI Pocket, your sales representatives can even take the portal content available offline to customer appointments and use the features there as well.


With OXOMI you can integrate an extensive service or download area on your website – filled with the content of your OXOMI portal, automatically up-to-date. Both the implementation and the maintenance are very easy and your customers will thank you for it. 


Offer your fans something new on Facebook – like being able to browse through and download all your catalogs and brochures. With OXOMI, this can be done in five minutes!

OXOMI service plans apply per legally independent company. In the case of economically related companies, the legal independence is also the decisive factor.

scireum GmbH

Eisenbahnstr. 24
73630 Remshalden

+49 (0) 7151 90316 – 10
+49 (0) 7151 90316 – 19
